...is a magazine that is questioning the development and understanding of our material surroundings especially what we know as textile through an anthropological lens.
Where are we heading?
Dim: A4 210mm x 297mm
Materials have non-material properties. They are perceived differently not just due to their various factual appearance, but because there are values, associations, memories, stories, history and origin connected to them. In that way, materials enable one to communicate visually while its view and perception changes with time as our way of thinking is based on the zeitgeist.
Fat is a very known example of this phenomena as it used to be a status symbol for wealth in terms of body shape but also a valuable commodity. In today’s society fat is seen as something disgusting und undesirable, a waste product.
What about foam?
Foam is a material with very special properties that clearly distinguish it from other materials. It is squishy, temporarily deformable and pressure resistant. There seems to be nothing “wrong” with it. However, it is mostly covered up nowadays. What does that say about us humans?
Today’s noticeable preference for control in a political, institutional as well as material sense translates to everything needing to be perfect and sleek. But what if we allow a bit of rawness and imperfection into today’s world which is guided by the constant pursuit of unattainable standards?
What if we let go of this control and rethink our designed perspective on